Thursday, December 31, 2009

Review: Tanita BC-1000 Scale with Healthy Edge Software

I know you've seen it. Some new crazy scale that has no numbers on it. Some new software that claims to make it fun to weigh in each morning.

The BC-1000 from Tanita is supercool. Just walk by your computer with the Healthy Edge software on it and click, "New measurement" from your profile. Walk to the scale... it beeps and flashes green. Step on and wait for another few beeps. That's it!

Meanwhile, back at your computer. All of your info is there and updated:
Date, time, weight, BMI, total body fat%, mass, Fat free mass; Total body water % and mass; Muscle mass and bone mass. It also guesses at your Basal Metabolic Rate, daily caloric intake, your metabolic age, and it rates your physique. It also has a field for comments (sleep quality, hydration, when you ate, when you worked out, whatever...)

Its graphs and goals are what make it most helpful and idiot proof. As you change your training into a base early/pre-season phase, this device could keep the motivation going!

It came with an ANT+ usb stick to talk to the scale. The warranty is only 90 days, for such a costly item that is a suckass warranty. I set it up easily last night. Entering the athlete profile was easy and pairing the scale with my desktop PC was also easy. Of course I weighed myself before and after dinner last night and before and after coffee this morning.
It is fun and easy... let's hope it make me mindful of overall goals.


  1. the field for comments... does the scale make comments or do you make them?

    I think it would be awesome if the scale said.."hey fatass..lay off the cookies and get to the gym!!" rather than "today i had a decent day. Only ate 1 cookie and my diet was clean. Also, walked to my car 4 times today"
