Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Training Isuue #4080: Why was I tired on that ride/workout?

I'm sure we all have those days where our minds are ready to go out and have a good ride. Then for some reason we seem to have nothing in the tank. No mojo. Here are some things to consider:
  1. Was the competition just too hott for me?
  2. How was my sleep this past week and last night?
  3. Did I have an intense week compared to where I am in the overall training?
  4. Was my chain making noises like a tank tread?
  5. Did I have to ride like a bat-out-of-hell just to get to the ride on time?
I showed up at Hains Point yesterday and had a crappy time (1.8 laps until BLOWN?!). After checking my WKO and Garmin/Powertap data, here is what happened:
  1. Put in about 700 kJ of work in 40 minutes to arrive "on time" (way too much).
  2. Was sick for the beginning of January, then had a strong week: gym, ride, ride, gym, rest, gym, huge ride, rest, rest, then Hains Point.
  3. Chain needed second oiling after being thoroughly cleaned (oops).
  4. Sleep was ok.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday's Gym Routine; end of a 12 day cold?

I was finally feeling like a normal human so Sunday I returned to the gym. I hadn't run in a long time and I have new running shoes, so I wanted to add some running.

Intro: 20 min on treadmill, incline of 2, 10min/mile pace. Got nice and sweaty.
Circuit 1:
  1. Step lunges, 40 steps, with 20's in each hand.
  2. Hip ADDuctor machine, 20 reps with 250.
  3. Hip ABductor machine, 20 reps with 250.
  4. Single-leg leg press, 20 each leg with 50.
  5. Seated cable row, 20 reps with 42.5.
  6. Back hyperextensions, 20 reps with zero weight.
  7. Jump rope, 4 minutes
  8. Leg press, 20 reps with 250.
  9. Dumbbell squats, 20 reps with 30s in each hand.
  10. Calf raises, standing, 20 reps, no extra weight
  11. Incline dumbbell press, 20 reps with 40's
  12. Abs, straight crunches on fitness ball, 20 reps.
  13. Jump rope, 4 minutes.
Circuit 2:
  1. Step lunges, 30 steps, with 20's in each hand.
  2. Hip ADDuctor machine, 20 reps with 250.
  3. Hip ABductor machine, 20 reps with 250.
  4. Seated cable row, 20 reps with 42.5.
  5. Back hyperextensions, 20 reps with zero weight.
  6. Leg press, 20 reps with 250.
  7. Dumbbell squats, 20 reps with 30s in each hand.
  8. Calf raises, standing, 20 reps, no extra weight
  9. Incline dumbbell press, 20 reps with 40's.
  10. Abs, straight crunches on fitness ball, 20 reps.
Hot tub for 20 minutes, felt REALLY REALLY fatigued. Workout was more than an hour, Polar Watch said I burned 750 calories. During leg press sets my HR nailed up into the 160s. FYI my average heart rate during my last 2 functional threshold of power tests was 164 and 165.

I do high reps because I am done with the previous phase that was MAXIMUM STRENGTH. I do these reps more quickly than before.
The goal with a routine like this is to keep the strength from the previous phase while I return to on-the-bike training.

Now I'm going outside to ride....

Monday, January 11, 2010

Training with a rhinovirus (add your wisdom here)

I have not clipped in since Friday. Before that it was a little effort on Monday and Tuesday. I did hit the HOTtub (103 degrees is just magic for an ailing body) twice. I think this is a good time to discuss what to do when you are sick. How do we manage energy, mood, and fitness during these awkward times?

I have some beliefs on this topic:

  1. Rest up, if you are not doing something essential, lie down. Fall asleep if you can. If you can't sleep, use Nyquil or the Zicam version of Nyquil.

  2. Don't get dehydrated, use more than water: this is a great time for a fancy sports drink. I use Infinit HEAT mix and their PRE-RACE hydration formulas. They make me feel better when sick. By the way, Endurox is good for nursing a hangover.

  3. If you can, get on that trainer (don't go outside, there's less control) and get 500-700 kJ in about an hour. This translates into getting a little sweaty for a while. However, if you are gonna vomit or fall over, stop. get a sports drink and go to bed.

  4. Otherwise, cut you regular workload in half if you can. Go every other day if you're really fatigued.

  5. Try not to weigh yourself, save this for when you are feeling better.

  6. When you get that crazy nosebleed that spews like a fountain, know that it is because of the overall dryness and not because you took too many pills or supplements.

  7. HUMIDIFIER! Get one that has the humidistat on it. Try and stay in a place with 40-50% humidity.

  8. Blog!

  9. Daydream about home improvements, use google-images to see what rich people have done with trim, kitchens, baths, floorplans, etc.

  10. REplay the one XBOX 360 game that you borrowed from your brother at this time last year (call of duty, modern warfare).

  11. Organize the home office and your closet.

add your wisdom in the comments..........

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Last week, this week.

To summarize the training of LAST Monday through Sunday: trainer, trainer, gym, trainer, outside, gym, rest.
Mon: 1:36 trainer.
Tues: 1:24 trainer.
Wed: First day of new STRENGTH MAINTENANCE, this means two circuits.
Thursday: 1:14 trainer.
Friday2:27 outside, to Haines Point and back.
Saturday: Day2 of STRENGTH MAINTENANCE, did two circuits.
Sunday: rest.

This week has been, easy trainer, semi-easy trainer, 500m swim/hot tub, rhino-virus.
Monday: 500kJ easy
Tuesday: 700kJ easy
Wednesday: 20 min hottub, 500M swim, 10 min hot tub!
Thursday: WOKE UP SICK!... but no fever right now. Took Zicam nighttime last night. If the fever stays away I am going into work later on.

In other news, the Tanita scale is wicked. I have figured out that it is more important to have the scale pointed at the computer than it is to be NEAR the computer. FYI. Weighing myself before and after everything is fun and really shows what the body goes through with water.
Every weigh-in this week has been lower than the same day last week (i.e., this m onday lower than last Monday, today lower than last Thursday, etc.