To summarize the training of LAST Monday through Sunday: trainer, trainer, gym, trainer, outside, gym, rest.
Mon: 1:36 trainer.
Tues: 1:24 trainer.
Wed: First day of new STRENGTH MAINTENANCE, this means two circuits.
Thursday: 1:14 trainer.
Friday2:27 outside, to Haines Point and back.
Saturday: Day2 of STRENGTH MAINTENANCE, did two circuits.
Sunday: rest.
This week has been, easy trainer, semi-easy trainer, 500m swim/hot tub, rhino-virus.
Monday: 500kJ easy
Tuesday: 700kJ easy
Wednesday: 20 min hottub, 500M swim, 10 min hot tub!
Thursday: WOKE UP SICK!... but no fever right now. Took Zicam nighttime last night. If the fever stays away I am going into work later on.
In other news, the Tanita scale is wicked. I have figured out that it is more important to have the scale pointed at the computer than it is to be NEAR the computer. FYI. Weighing myself before and after everything is fun and really shows what the body goes through with water.
Every weigh-in this week has been lower than the same day last week (i.e., this m onday lower than last Monday, today lower than last Thursday, etc.