I have not clipped in since Friday. Before that it was a little effort on Monday and Tuesday. I did hit the HOTtub (103 degrees is just magic for an ailing body) twice. I think this is a good time to discuss what to do when you are sick. How do we manage energy, mood, and fitness during these awkward times?
I have some beliefs on this topic:
- Rest up, if you are not doing something essential, lie down. Fall asleep if you can. If you can't sleep, use Nyquil or the Zicam version of Nyquil.
- Don't get dehydrated, use more than water: this is a great time for a fancy sports drink. I use Infinit HEAT mix and their PRE-RACE hydration formulas. They make me feel better when sick. By the way, Endurox is good for nursing a hangover.
- If you can, get on that trainer (don't go outside, there's less control) and get 500-700 kJ in about an hour. This translates into getting a little sweaty for a while. However, if you are gonna vomit or fall over, stop. get a sports drink and go to bed.
- Otherwise, cut you regular workload in half if you can. Go every other day if you're really fatigued.
- Try not to weigh yourself, save this for when you are feeling better.
- When you get that crazy nosebleed that spews like a fountain, know that it is because of the overall dryness and not because you took too many pills or supplements.
- HUMIDIFIER! Get one that has the humidistat on it. Try and stay in a place with 40-50% humidity.
- Blog!
- Daydream about home improvements, use google-images to see what rich people have done with trim, kitchens, baths, floorplans, etc.
- REplay the one XBOX 360 game that you borrowed from your brother at this time last year (call of duty, modern warfare).
- Organize the home office and your closet.
add your wisdom in the comments..........
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