Monday, June 21, 2010

Non-race report ToWC. People and interactions from my angle.

I met some people this weekend that I really enjoyed meeting.  I also got to say hello to people I don't get to see very often.  I found the general mood of folks this weekend was great, no whiney attitudes.  I think Joe really sets the tone for such an awesome weekend, well done!

I introduced myself to Brigham L., officially; not because he had an awesome weekend, but because I see him everywhere and we don't really acknowledge each other- but I know people that know him and he is a good guy, so why not?  I was right, good guy.  I also said hi to everyone's favorite Lance L. I got to know my own new teammate really well.  Right after my tt was over,  I met a young looking cat4 who told me very plainly before his TT that he "is very good at time trialing" as if he had to justify his super-sweet equipment.  I was chatting him up because he had the same Garmin I had, he looked pretty serious.  I had my sunglasses off, kept a smile and eye-contact, I try to be nice.  It worked, within a minute of talking to him, he could see that I was not being competitive with him, just friendly.  Another friendly interaction (this is my experience, he could have thought I was dick, I don't know).

Hotel sharing and the Olive Garden.  I had a blast at dinner with my teammates and guys from other teams.  That's how we roll at Bike Dizzle, non-exclusive, inclusive nice guys (hi Judd).  I shared a room with Frank and Sunny, it worked out really well (except for the:  let's make a 20 minute out-of-the-way trip for a latte when SOME PEOPLE have an early start time on the TT because they hate heat and hills; yes, it was a latte).

This weekend had everything about bike racing that I love (photos pending).


  1. Thanks for the nod, amigo. Glad to know I'm able to unite, not just tear apart! Lots of fun out there.
