Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's Tuesday and I am still tired (I tri'd in Columbia, dropped in Baltimore)

I used to be better at riding my bike than I am now.  We were looking at 40K time trials coming up and a teammate wanted to borrow some wheels.  He said he was trying to have a good time on that course (Ch. Cr. June).  I suggested he get some tires that I used to use (hi presure, light, thin, clinchers, 700x20).  Then he told me that I once got a 56 on the course!  I haven't verified that because I don't need to and I don't really care because the damage is done.
I was never THAT good, and now I am struggling to get back to where I was.  Uggg.  I guess I'm feeling whiney and pity-party-ish.  Oh well.  This brings me to the purpose of today's post: major snappage of the elastic and droppage.
Sunday 7:29am tried to swim a mile, had a wierd breathing panic thing, took me a 1/2 hour. 5 minutes slower than 2006
7:59am hopped on the TT bike in the windy warm rain on a hilly course and tried to rock out a true 40k, horrible pacing on my part.  Several minutes slower than 2006
then ran a hilly-as-poo six miles (oddly, faster than 2006).
10:15a, got in the car, drove to Patterson Park, arrived and kitted up at the registration table, 10:55a.
Bike Jam Cat 3 Race, 11:30a.  I was doing ok with my positioning, nailing it out of the chicane, coasting down the hill.  Was caught behind a crash halfway through (on the uphill near the line), and simply and absolutely had nothing to offer.  I chased for a lap or two, then waited to get scooped up again, then the motorcycle official pulled me out.
Got pulled for two reasons: 1-it was a no lapped/dropped race, 2-registration folks put me in the 35+ 3 race.

What do they call it when the Redskins screw up 2-5 seasons in a row, fire everyone, hire some questionable people, then try it again?  Oh yes, a rebuilding year.

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