After a substantial warm-up. This tape wastes no time. The first two spikes are warm-ups by 1 min.
The best part of this tape is the 7 reps of 2 min power, with only 1 min in between. I decided to drill it, with the expectation that I would fall off. I NEEDED that kind of effort today.
The next 3 reps are 2 min hi/lo aka steady-power-steady-power. 30 seconds each to add up to 2 minutes. 2 min rest in between.
The last 5 are suicidal 1 minuite efforts with ZERO, oops, I mean 30 seconds in between. These are loco.
Power and HR fall off through most of the reps... lack of fitness- this is good to know.
That's good work. I'd be bleeding out my eyes after the 7x2s - no way could I crank out the O/U and then the 1-minute intervals after that.
ReplyDeleteBut after my training this weekend I've got a chance for a medal at Snow Shovel Natz.
life on the 14th floor with cars on parking-3 means that I don't even own a shovel.
ReplyDeletebored. bored. I have like 5 jobs and they are all closed today. I am going to do CTS TT next...